My husband just loves pineapple pie. Well, he has been incredibly sweet lately and I wanted to be sweet right back. I worked and worked at getting this pineapple filling just right, thick enough not to run when cut but not too pasty tasting...know what I mean? I hate pie filling for that reason alone. Raven's favorite pie is cherry and I refuse to use a canned pie filling. She has to wait for me to pit cherries and then make the filling. I will be making these a lot more since I have my filling to where I am finally happy with it! This is What's Cookin on Beaty's Creek today.
1 can crushed Pineapple-undrained
1 cup sugar
2 T cornstarch
1/2 t salt
1 T butter
1 T lemon juice
Pie crust for a double crust pie
Place crushed pineapple, sugar, cornstarch and salt in saucepan. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until it thickens and clears. Now add in butter and lemon juice. Cool slightly.
Pour filling into unbaked 9-inch pastry shell. Cut remaining pastry into 1-inch wide strips for lattice top. Weave strips crisscross over pie to make lattice top. Pinch edges.
Bake at 400øF., 25 to 30 minutes or until lightly golden
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