I love pecan sandie cookies! Not the dry store bought version but the buttery, sweet, crispy version that I make on occasion. I remember growing up and my mom buying the store bought kind for my dad, who loves pecan sandies, and being so grossed out by them that I could not believe anyone would eat them. That is until I made my own cookies. These are so good with a hot cup of mango green tea (my new favorite) or a cold cup of milk. The weather is supposed to be more spring like today, we’ll see. This is What’s Cookin on Beaty’s Creek.
2 sticks of room temperature butter
1-cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1 egg
2 t vanilla
1 t salt
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups chopped pecans
Cream in your Kitchen Aid mixer, butter, sugars, egg, salt, and vanilla. Beat until light and fluffy, now add your flour. Mix until a nice dough is formed, now add your chopped pecans. Drop by tablespoons on a parchment lined cookie sheet and flatten cookie with the palm of your hand. Bake at 350’ 15-17 minutes or until golden brown. Don’t bake until crisp; these cookies will crisp up as they cool.