This is a Todd Wilbur copycat recipe and it sure is a good one. To me this tastes just like KFC’s coleslaw, in fact my MIL thought it was. The size of your cabbage and carrot pieces will make all the difference and they shouldn't be much larger than a rice kernel. I shredded mine with a food processor and it worked out perfectly. Give this recipe a try the next time you fry a chicken. This is What’s Cookin on Beaty’s Creek.
½ cup mayo
1/3-cup sugar
¼ cup buttermilk
¼ cup milk
2-½ T lemon juice
1 ½ T white vinegar
½ t salt
1/8 t pepper
8 cups finely grated cabbage
¼ cup finely shredded carrot
In a large bowl mix all of the ingredients except the cabbage and carrot until very smooth. Now pour over cabbage and carrot mixture and stir very well. Cover and place in fridge for 2 hours before serving.