Ransome wanted a Napoleon that he saw on the box of puff pastry I was thawing out in the fridge. I had to put my thinking hat on so I came up with this easy recipe for Napoleons. He loved it and so did the rest of the crew. This is What's Cookin on Beaty's Creek today.
1 package of frozen puff pastry-thawed in the fridge overnight
1 package instant vanilla pudding-made according to package directions
1/2 of a tub of Extra Creamy Cool Whip-thawed
1 pint strawberries-sliced
Powdered sugar
Slice puff pastry on the fold lines and bake according to package directions. Once baked cool completely. Now fold Cool Whip into pudding, I told told you this was easy. Layer Napoleon in the this order, puff pastry, pudding mixture, sliced strawberries, puff pastry until you have 3 layers of puff pastry. Sift powdered sugar over top of Napoleon and enjoy!
OH MY GOODNESS Stacey!! You evil woman! That looks so so good--drool---