I sit here at the computer waiting for my shortcake to cool off so I can dig in. I love strawberry shortcake. My favorite is with Stilwell Strawberries but we are a little early for them yet so I will make do with California strawberries. I think this recipe is the bomb! Try this and you will be a happy you did! That is What's Cookin on Beaty's Creek today.
2 cups all purpose flour
4 t baking powder(I use Rumford)
1/2 cup oil(I use canola)
1 cup sugar 1/2 cup sugar for top of cake
1 T vanilla
1 1/2 cup milk
Sift flour and baking powder together into a large bowl and make a bowl in the middle, this is where you will add your sugar, milk, oil, and vanilla. Mix as you would pancake batter. I few lumps are fine. Now pour into a 9x13 baking pan and sprinkle a 1/2 cup of sugar on top. Bake at 350' until golden brown, this happens in about 30 minutes in my oven. Cool and serve with with strawberries and whipped cream!
Doesn't it just figure that I am behind on reading blogs and we just made Strawberry Shortcake on Tuesday. Rockstar used a 7-up Pound Cake recipe that was EXCELLENT but I am going to keep this in mind for next time to try. ;)